Friday, July 15, 2011

Finishing Off the First Week

I have now finished my first week of classes in Passau :) The lectures from yesterday and today were pretty good. We only had two each day. This morning's was a roundtable discussion with the two professors, Arnie, and a guest speaker. We discussed the role of Germany in transatlantic relations and talked about whether or not it is baneful. Then this afternoon, a member of the EU parliament came and spoke to us. He was super nice and the representative from lower Bavaria which is the part of Germany where Passau is. I even asked him a question :) Yesterday's lectures were good too. Arnie's was about European security and defense policy, specific to Germany of course. I agreed with a lot of what he said. The afternoon lecture though was given by an economist and lawyer guy, so it was hard to follow, but still full of riveting information. Sometimes I just think it is more challenging for American students than German students on the program because we have so much less knowledge of European current affairs and the EU. I really enjoy getting to ask questions after though! Sometimes though, I don't because I feel inadequately knowledgeable on the subject.

Despite the weather yesterday, we still had our BBQ outside last night. It was fun and the Germans know how to cook! But, it was nothing like Texas BBQ though. I stuck with the chicken, though I tried some sausage. Anyone who walked by had no trouble telling we are all PoliSci students since we had all sorts of deep, intense discussions going on!

After class today us girls went shopping with Roxy at H&M, got ice cream, and then went to cute little old shops. I got some post cards and a pretty snow globe :) Tonight we're all going out to dinner with everyone. Since we got done with classes at 3 today, it has been nice to be outside enjoying the nice warmer weather.  (Yesterday it was raining and only 66 degrees!)

I wanted to go to Austria for the weekend though, to Salzburg (the Sound of Music town!). It is only 2 hours away, but other people weren't as enthusiastic about going and even though this is our free weekend, we have a dinner boat cruise on the Danube tomorrow night, and we all would feel bad missing it because it is kind of a big deal. So, I'll just have to go to Salzburg some other time :) And because it was still cool earlier today and there is probably going to be evening rain, we have moved the bike ride to Austria to Sunday. I am so looking forward to it :) 

In addition to the bike ride and dinner cruise, I plan to spend this weekend enjoying the beautiful little city of Passau. Tomorrow afternoon Andi and I plan on walking around some more of the old shops and taking pictures all over town. She has an awesome Polaroid camera :) I also plan on getting all caught up on my academic journals from this week. I am more than half way done though! 

I should be back with a full weekend report Sunday night!

1 comment:

  1. Have a beautifully blessed weekend sweetgirl!
    <3 Love you,
