Monday, August 15, 2011

Prague and My Final Thoughts on Europe

Hello everyone! I just wanted to write a bit about my short time in Prague and then generally summarize what I learned on my summer 2011 study abroad trip. 

Prague is a gorgeous city. It is completely different from Budapest. I thought the two might have a similar vibe since they are both in Eastern Europe, but the Czech Republic has a feel of its own. While Hungary is very supportive of the EU, the Czech Republic under the current leadership of Klaus is not so keen on the EU. The city is very clean, but feels more vibrant than Budapest. With a GDP of about $28,000 per person, you can definitely tell the people are more affluent in the Czech Republic. Also, Prague itself is a very wealthy city. 

We stayed in a Best Western Hotel near the center of town. Our hotel was very modern and right next door to a famous Czech restaurant where we went on Thursday night for traditional food. I had goulash, dumplings with bacon inside, and apple strudel. There was also awesome accordion music and an um pah band! The little accordion playing man played "Home on the Range" for us when he found out we were from Texas. 

When we first got to Prague on Wednesday, we checked in to our hotel and then went on a dinner cruise on the river. It was such a neat way to see the city all lit up at night from the top of our boat. Even with our delayed arrival, we still got to enjoy the food and each others' company on our private boat. The weather was nice and warm too- finally! It was about 70 degrees or warmer the whole time I was there. 

On Thursday we had two appointments in Prague, one of which was at the renowned Charles University. We learned much about the political history of Prague, their reasons for joining the EU, and the EU's reaction to them joining. 

Since I was leaving on Friday morning to go to the airport and fly home a little early, I wanted to do a bit of souvenir shopping. So after our meeting on Thursday afternoon, Linn, Marshall, and I decided to do a bit of shopping and see the city more. We made it for about ten minutes before it just poured down raining on us! We ended up finding a nice cafe to get some tea and relax in for a bit while we waited on the rain to stop. Though our sight-seeing was cut short, we still managed to have fun and get some nice postcards and things. 

I was sad to leave Prague early- there was just so much to do and see there! Everything felt so relaxed and open. I also was a big fan of the tram system! But, coming back to Texas was fantastic! I was excited for the wedding I was going to on Saturday, and for Mexican food, normal water, sunshine, and tons of green vegetables! Thankfully, I got my connecting flight in London's Heathrow and flew out just in time Friday evening before the riots began on Saturday. What a blessing!

While in Europe though, I learned a lot. Not only did I gain so much knowledge on PoliSci and the EU, but on people, cultures, and life in general. I learned to appreciate America more after seeing how things are done (or not ever accomplished) in Europe. I also think I have a better understanding of people- regardless of views, politics, beliefs, or heritage. 

I strongly encourage everyone to take the opportunity to study abroad at some point. It is the best thing to do not only for your resume, but with your time. You will grow so much and learn more about yourself along the way, (e.g. I learned I am definitely an introvert...though I love being with people, they drain me of energy. I need some "me time" to rejuvenate and regain energy I have spent). And don't let money stop you from studying abroad. There are plenty of scholarships available. Also, taking out small student loans isn't a terrible thing, especially if studying abroad will get you into the graduate school program you desire or the internship you really want. 

So, I hope you have enjoyed reading about my happy moments and adventures in Europe! I am not sure what else I will write about, but I hope to blog some more this fall :)

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